Siena is dedicating the month of October to the contemporary expression of art, music and dance with a long list of international participants who will invade the urban spaces of Siena and fill them with interpretations of their vision for a movement towards the future.
It is an immense challenge to transform a stage like that of Siena, which is so steeped in history, and show that it can be a setting for the inspiration and expression of today’s artistic community. Yet #SienaContemporanea with over 50 events planned throughout the city, will use its historical monuments and urban spaces to diffuse sculptures, performance, concerts and more in an effort to share this “movement” with the community.
Clet Abrahams, one of the featured artists in Siena Contemporanea, has been sending messages to the community for years about “moving forward”. It may have started as “fun” to encourage the onlooker to re-interpret their surroundings yet, he told Discover Tuscany his message is very clear: “Italy – even Europe – and their cities of art need to start moving towards a more contemporary use of their space and urban areas.”

Celebrating the nomination of Italian Cultural Capital along with 4 other cities, Siena has been awarded the immense responsibility of demonstrating to the world that they are not just a container for Gothic architecture or even a unique brand of artistic expression with the likes of Simone Martini.

Siena has construed their “mandato” as an opportunity to demonstrate that their artistic expression (both historic and contemporary) is still valid and thriving today in all its many different forms. Pulling in international personalities and even an ongoing exhibition (TU35) from the Contemporary Art Museum Pecci in Prato, they have organized a month of appointments with contemporary art, starting on the 10 of October and a Notte Bianco, where Siena will remain open all night and shine a light on the new installations throughout the city.

The message is straightforward and according to Clet this step towards the modern “Is really very simple,” he told Discover Tuscany as he prepared for the installation of Sorride Siena (Siena Smiles), “With one little line there is a transformation from a historic palazzo to a communication of modernity.”
Click here to view the list of events, arts and exhibitions that are open in the month of October: